Friday, January 30, 2009

Some like to write.


These are the things that matter. They can be given permanence, they can be given meaning, and they can be given power. Of course, they would be lost without him, but he would be in that same boat without them. This is a life, tucked off to the side as if of little import, but always kept close at hand. A little gray man of no consequence tucked in clothes that bring him no special attention, though he may be surrounded by royal finery or legal garb, his world has no need of such gaudy detail. Wire-rims glasses serve as his jewelry and his sign of station is only in the quality of his tool. His is the world of words and quotes, the historical details that track our movements, passions, and resolutions, and then possess the ability to confine or to free us. As if specially plucked from the twilight zone, these men misfit well in the theatrical environment we construct, and help tie down the determinations of thought. The very words they use give them purpose, and thus a scribe is given reason to be.

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